Legal Write-Ups
Domestic Violence and the Military
Explanation of military support to help service members and their loved ones when in a domestic violence situation.
Military Protective Orders and Civilian Order of Protection
Understand the differences between an MPO an a civilian Order of Protection, how to file for each, and which type of order may be the best fit for you.

Helpful Online Resources
Family Advocacy Program
Military assistance program for those that have experienced domestic violence.
Visit: MilitaryOneSource.mil
Visit: MilitaryOneSource.mil
Uniform Code of Military Justice
Military statutes that discuss domestic violence matters.
Visit: JSC.Defense.gov
Visit: JSC.Defense.gov
Legal information and resources for those that have been victims of crime.
Visit: AZCrimeVictimHelp.org
Visit: AZCrimeVictimHelp.org

- Women Veterans Call Center
- MilitaryOneSource - Family Advocacy Program
- DOD Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
A confidential line for women who are veterans to learn about VA services and resources. The Call Center is available by phone or text Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. ET, and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. ET.
Call: 1-855-829-6636
Call: 1-855-829-6636
Be put in touch with a family advocacy counselor to assist with things like housing relocation and obtaining a restraining order.
Call: 800-342-9647
Call: 800-342-9647
A Department of Defense designated line for reporting suspicions of child abuse.
Call: 877-790-1197
Call: 877-790-1197
A 24/7 service that assists victims with finding safety and resources when in a domestic violence situation.
Call: 800-799-7233
Call: 800-799-7233