Legal Write-Ups
Detailed Information on USERRA
Discover USERRA and how it may assist service members in keeping their jobs during deployment.
Military Spouse Employment Partnership
Learn how this program helps spouses of service members find a job.
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve
Find out about the office that supports service members locate a job after serving duty.
Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 (VEVRAA)
Description on the further protections on re-employment given to veterans from the Vietnam era.
Hiring Preferences for Veterans and Families of Service Members
Determine how veterans are given preference in federal jobs and if Arizona has any hiring preferences for veterans.
Employment Issues Facing Returning Veterans
Learn of issues preventing returning veterans from finding jobs and discover programs and resources to assist.
Arizona's Occupational Licensing Law
Get to know how a service member's spouse may benefit from the licensing laws.

Find Legal Help
Many civil legal matters can be handled by a military legal assistance attorney at no cost to service members, find out how.
Go to the webpage: AmericanBar.org
Go to the webpage: AmericanBar.org

Arizona Roadmap to Veteran Employment
A statewide plan to connect service members, veterans, and their families to employment, training, and resources.
Visit: DVS.AZ.gov
Visit: DVS.AZ.gov

Helpful Online Resources
Sample Letters
Sample letters for notifying employer of upcoming military service and return to work.
Visit: ESGR.mil
Visit: ESGR.mil
USERRA Advisor
USERRA Advisor assists veterans in understanding employee eligibility and job entitlements, employer obligations, benefits, and remedies under USERRA.
Visit: DOL.gov
Visit: DOL.gov
File a Claim
Veterans' Employment and Training Service developed an online system that allows USERRA claimants to submit claims electronically.
Visit: DOL.gov
Visit: DOL.gov
Veterans Preference
Veterans Preference gives eligible veterans and advantage over other applicants, discover who is eligible and how veterans earn points of preference.
Visit: FedsHireVets.gov
Visit: FedsHireVets.gov
Military Spouses Education and Career Guidance
The Department of Defense Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program provides education and career guidance to military spouses worldwide and offers comprehensive resources and tools for all stages of their career progression.
Visit: MySECO.MilitaryOneSource.mil
Visit: MySECO.MilitaryOneSource.mil
Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act General Information
Frequently Asked Questions - VEVRAA Regulations
Visit: DOL.gov
Visit: DOL.gov